Starting my blog

  Blogging is something that I have been wanting to try for a while now. I'm afraid I won't be very good at it, but bare with me! I started this blog mainly to talk about different healthy tips and tricks that I try out, but I will try talking about a few other things too.

   With a busy lifestyle it can be hard to find time to treat yourself right. Healthy eating can at first seem like a restriction or chore but you can learn to love it like I do! Exercising though can be the tough one of the two! You can't always find time or space, but then again its not all about finding time or space its about MAKING time or space!
 I hope this blog will encourage you to make healthier choices and create healthy habits!

Keep it real!


  1. Hannah - I'm so excited about your blog! I signed up for email alerts so I won't miss a single post! Yay! - Dori -
