5 Healthy Snacking Tips

Snacking is something that just about every does at some point in the day. And, if done right, it is healthy for you. Snacking on good nutritional food helps to keep your metabolism up. But choosing the right things to grab for a snack isn't always easy. I am going to share with you a few tips to snack healthier as well as a few healthy snack ideas!
Keep premade snacks handy. Having healthy snacks already made and ready to grab will make it less likely for you to go for an unhealthy option. Cutting up veggies and fruit and portioning them out to keep in the fridge is one idea. You can even portion out fruit and veggie dips( Like nut butters, yogurt or cream cheese) to grab along with your snack. Another idea is to make up healthy treats like these Almond Joy Clusters or Apple Chompers . What ever you chose to do, having ready-to-eat snacks that are healthy will keep you on track!

Water first! Sometimes when you feel hungry, you actually are just thirsty. Because your stomach is empty you body thinks its hungry when really you just need some water. Try drinking a glass of water whenever you feel hungry. If you still feel hungry afterwards, have a snack, if not, you don't need a snack!

Chose the more filling option. When choosing a snack, try and chose the one that will fill you up for the longest time. You don't want to be hungry in a few minutes! A few filling choices are, broccoli, Greek yogurt, nuts of any kind, or oats. The reason these are good choices is because they fill your stomach up, plus they are full of the nutrients your body needs! I love to eat broccoli raw or steamed, and Greek yogurt topped with berries is a amazing treat!

Don't eat mindlessly. When you have a snack, sit down and enjoy it. Eat it slowly and drink water with it. Don't just sit down in front of the computer and chomp away on your snack because before you know it, the food will be gone and you'll ask yourself 'Where did my food go?!". Snack time is a great time to take a break from work, school or whatever and just take a few deep breaths. Eating slowly also helps to keep you from over eating because it takes a while for your body to recognize that it's full.

Eat something you like. This may sound like a no brainer, but its something you need to think about. Don't just eat a snack that you don't like because you know its good for you. There are plenty of healthy options out there, so find the ones you like and have those at the ready. You can try Banana Bread Cookies , Boo-Nanas , Summer in a Smoothie, , Candied Pecans or any of the other recipes on my blog!

I hope these tips help you to stay on track when snacking and that they give you a few ideas for healthy snack options! If you like this post, please share it with a friend!

Thank you for checking out my blog and be sure to check back often for more healthy tips, workouts, recipes and more!

Keep Healthy and SAFE!

Follow the blog on Twitter @ Spinachisgood and on Pinterest @ Hannah Plunkett

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