Ready, Set, Sweat! - Workout

    I haven't done a workout post in a little bit, so I thought I would do another one! I love sharing my workouts with others in the hopes that it will inspire and encourage them to workout. Before we get into it though, I want to point out that you should by no means do this workout if you are injured, un able for any reason, or just not physically fit. You need to listen to your body and do what is right for it!

Alright, so let's get ready to Sweat!
Round 1
20 Jumping Jacks
20 Squats
10 Push- Ups
10 Lunges (Per leg)
20 Jumping Jacks
Round 2
50 Sec. Plank
50 Mountain Climbers (25 per leg)
30 Crunches
20 Vertical Toe Touches
20 Sit -Ups
Round 3
30 Triceps Dips
30 Push -Ups
50 sec. Plank
20 Low Plank to High Plank
50 sec. Low Plank
Round 4
1 minute Jog in Place
30 Lunges (15 per leg)
30 Squat Jumps
50 Bunny Hops
45 Jumping Jacks
Cool Down
10 Push - Ups
50 sec. Downward Facing Dog
30 sec. Child's Pose
Just Breath and Slow Your Heart Rate Back Down to Normal.
Well, how did it go? What did you think? Let me know in the comments, via email ( or on Twitter @ SpinachisGood. Also, please share this post and the blog with a friend and follow the blog here and on Pinterest @ Hannah Plunkett!
I hope you liked this post, even if you might have not felt that way during this workout! This workout is a full body workout as well as a great cardio session! Again, Please be careful when working out and take care of your body and over all health!
Keep healthy and Safe!
H. Banana

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