Meaningless Food Labels

 There are a lot of food labels that seem to be healthy and good for you, but when you really get down to it, they really aren't that great. A lot of the food labels like Natural, Made With Real Fruit, No Nitrates and so on, don't mean exactly what they would like to lead you to believe they do. Knowing what these food labels really mean is helpful when choosing the healthiest food!

This food label may seem and sound like a good choice. A lot of people chose the 'natural' labeled foods because they think its better. But, the FDA( Food and Drug Administration ) has no regulations over this widely used term. Costumers have even sued, and won because the foods labeled as natural were found to be full of chemicals and additives.

Natural Meat
This food label would lead you to believe that the animal was raised naturally in the open air with grass to eat. However, this isn't that case. None of these things, raised out doors, let graze on fresh grass and treated naturally, have to be done to label the meat as natural. The animal could have been fed drugs all it's life and then enhanced with salt water and still be called natural!

No Nitrates
People may think that this means the products doesn't contain nitrates (A chemical preservative linked to cancer in animals ). However, this usually just means that a naturally based nitrate was used that chemically cures the meat the same was a synthetic nitrate does.

Trans Fat-Free
This food label leads a lot of people to think that this is a healthier choice. That this product is free of the unhealthy fats we all want to stay away from. The standard for this label is less than half a gram of trans fat per serving. Check the ingredient label for partially hydrogenated oil, the culprit ingredient. Thankfully, in late 2013, the FDA removed trans fat from the generally recognized as safe status so we should expect to see less of it soon!

Made With Real Fruit
Eating more fruits and veggies is something we all want to do, so this label is appealing to most of us. But, for so many reasons, it shouldn't be. Real fruit at the bottom of a yogurt container? Try sugar, high fructose corn syrup and food dyes. Food companies can feature fruit on the label as long as they use the word 'flavoring' . There have been several law suites over the deceptive labeling. So, to stay safe, skip the 'Made with Real Fruit' products and go for the real, unprocessed, fruits!

No Antibiotics Used
The over use of antibiotics is leading to the rise of drug-resistant bacteria and superbugs. According to the NRDC ( Natural Resource Defense Council) 80 percent of antibiotics sold in the US are used in livestock, most for the animals that aren't sick, but to prevent infection that might result from unsanitary living conditions. The good news is we can opt out of this crazy system! Chose meat that is certified USDA Organic, Animal Grass Fed Approved, Animal Welfare Approved, or certified humane. These labels have thorough certification. The meat will cost a little more, but it will protect you and your family's health.

No Hormones Added
Hormones are given to beef cattle to grow bigger and dairy cows to produce more milk. They are the key ingredients to the factory farm system. There are growing concerns that added hormones pose health risk for humans, animals, and the environment as they contaminate the soil, surface, and groundwater.  Added hormones are prohibited in poultry and pigs, so be aware of those claims. The use of the term 'Hormone Free' isn't allowed by the USDA and the term 'No Hormones Administered' is unverified. Instead, look for products labeled USDA Organic, American Grass-fed Approved, and Certified Humane Raised and Handled as these are labels that require certification.

Now that you know what these misleading food labels mean, hopefully you can make better food choices. I know sometimes choosing the better food can be more expensive, but if it is better for your health, it pays off in the long run when you don't have as many doctor bills and you just feel better! Treating your body right and keeping it healthy is worth it!

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Keep Healthy and Safe!
H. Banana

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