Summer in a Smoothie!

Yes, the weather is getting colder here, and for the most part I love it , but every now and then I miss the warm sunshine of summer! So, I made a recipe for a delicious and refreshing smoothie to soothe my craving for summer!

1 cup of frozen fruit ( I like to use a mix of strawberries and peaches or pineapple)
2 tbsp. Lemon or Lime juice
1 packet of Truvia (Optional)
1/4 of a ripe banana
Ice ( I added about 1/2 a cup or so, but go to your own taste with the ice)
1/4 cup coconut water.

The first step is to put your fruit and lemon juice together in a bowl and microwave, yes microwave, your fruit until it begins to juice. You don't want to warm your fruit, just juice is a bit. Mine took about a minute.

Add the banana to the blender along with the juiced fruit and blend until smooth.

On a side note: I love this blender!! <3 ( Its a Ninja, just so you know!)

Now its time to add the Truvia (If using), Ice and Coconut water. The reason I put the Truiva as optional is because the banana make this smoothie plenty sweet on its own. The Truvia is just to add extra sweetness.

Blend this up until smooth and yummy!
Give is a stir if needed and add a straw! Sipping this reminds me of the beach...sunshine.... well, Summer all together!

I love this smoothie, and I hope that you do too! Please let me know of you tried this recipe and what you thought about it!

My family loved this smoothie as well. I made one for my 21 month old brother and he drank it down so fast, I was amazed and after he wanted more! This smoothie is great for a nice refresher during the day, I like to have it after a work out, or even in the morning(Which is when I had it today!)

Keep it Healthy and Safe!


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