Rest Day

You should set aside one day out of the week to take a break from exercise and just give your body the rest it needs. Today, normally for me would be a workout day but because I'm sick I am going to take the day off. Don't ever feel guilty for taking a day off even if its an unplanned rest day. Rest is important for your body to grow and remain healthy, so make sure you are giving yourself those rest days.

  On a normal rest day for me I usually have a normal day without exercise. I might take my little brother for a walk or do some yoga.  Your rest day is a great day to get in some stretches or yoga. The important thing is to rest your body and prepare it for a week full of workouts. Let me know how you like to relax and take your rest days.

   Some restful activities!
1. Take a walk by yourself or with a friend. Its amazing how much talking you can get done while walking!

2. Craft or bake! Find a craft you've been wanting to try or a recipe ( preferably a healthy one right? ) you've been wanting to make.

3. Yoga, stretching or breathing exercises.  Soothe your sore muscles with some yoga and stretches and try some breathing exercises.  You'll be surprised about how good you feel afterwards.  I know I am!

4. Read a book with a cup or tea or coffee. Cuddling up with a good book is one of my favorite pastimes! What books do you like to read? Do you prefer coffee or tea?

Now, like I said earlier,  today I'm a little under the weather so my rest day is a little different.  I'm drinking alot of tea and laying around alot. I don't feel guilty about that because my body needs to rest more that ever because I'm sick. My sister and I will watch a movie and I will more that likely crochet! Let me know what things make you feel better!

I hope the post encourages you to take a rest day and treat your body well. I love my rest days and I hope you do too!

Keep it healthy and Safe!

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