Staying healthy during the holidays

Lets be honest, its can be hard to stay healthy during the holidays! There is the almost constant temptation of sugary and high calorie foods and then its seems so hard to stay motivated to workout! Here are a few tips that I hope will help us all stay healthy during the holidays!

There is often so much going on during the holidays that we forget to drink enough water! Not drinking enough water can cause you to become dehydrated which will make you feel lazy and sluggish. Drinking water ( and the water in hot cocoa, coffee, etc. doesn't count!) will help you feel more energized, give you clearer skin and keep you hydrated!

Its hard to find time to workout when its cold outside and there is a warm fire to sit by and drink hot cocoa, but its important that you make time! Play some Christmas tunes while you workout, find some Christmas-themed workout moves or find a workout buddy! If you have company and you don't feel like you can leave them to workout, maybe go to the mall ( Shopping is Cardio!) and walk around for an hour or two. Its important that you get moving! Lying around all day will make you feel lazy and lower your motivation level.

Are all those Christmas treats tempting you? Well, live a little and enjoy moderation! Not letting yourself enjoy your favorite treats will make you feel discouraged and deprived. Enjoy those yummy treats a little at a time. Eating one sugar cookie, one candy cane, a cup of cocoa or a piece of fudge won't set you back or make you gain a ton a weight, but loads and loads of them will! Enjoy in moderation and don't worry about it!

When is comes to your diet during the holidays, make sure that veggies are present at every meal. As long as they aren't coated in  butter, cheese or grease, make sure that at least half of your plate is full of veggies. You can have the other food items like, ham, bread, scalloped potatoes and cranberry sauce, just make sure your giving some love to the veggies too!

It can be tempting to stay up 'way past your bed time' but its so much better for your body if you make sure you get enough sleep! Sleeping in is a great feeling and, if you stayed up late the night before, let yourself have more sleep, your body will thank you! You will have more energy and motivation if you give your body the rest it needs! Bring on the Zzzzzzzzzs!

I hope these tips can help us all stay healthy and motivated during the holidays! Let me know if these tips help you and if you have any to add to the list! If you have enjoyed this post, please share it with a friend!

Keep healthy and SAFE!
Happy Holidays!

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