Resisting Temptation

With all the holiday treats being made at my house this week it has been hard to resist just gorging myself on them! I myself have made cookies, fudge, caramels and other sweets (Yes, I know.. I'm being a hypocrite!) but that doesn't mean I have to eat it all! I allow myself to have a small portion of a treat, and I make sure that I get at least 30 minutes of exercise a day! But, I do find it hard to stop at just one cookie, one small piece of fudge or a small bite of caramel, so what do you do? How do you resist the urge to replace every meal with sugary sweets? Here are a few tips that I use and have found helpful!

#1 Portion control.
As stated before, keeping an eye on the size and amount of treats you consume is important. Its also important that you don't feel deprived from your favorite foods. Let yourself have a small bite or serving, but stop there. Your future self will thank you!

#2 Drinking Water.
I have stressed this in other post, but I will say it again! Not drinking enough water can make you feel hungry and can cause you to have a little more than you planned, food-wise. I try to have a large glass of water with every meal and one every hour or so. If you are out and about, carry water with you either in a water bottle or a cute cup!

#3 Activity!
Getting moving for at least 30 minutes a day is a must. It will keep you from eating because you are bored and it can be made fun!

#4 Healthy Foods.
Make sure there is a large variety of healthy foods for you to snack on instead of the sugary ones! I love to have fresh fruit and veggies already to enjoy any time!

#5 Enjoy
Make sure you aren't mindlessly eating your treats as you do something else. Keep your mind on the item you are eating and make sure to enjoy it so you don't have to get another one!

#6 Creativity
You can get so creative with the different healthy winter treat! I have made several cookies, treats and drinks that are healthy but delicious. Let me know what healthy winter treats you enjoy!

Well that it! I know it is similar to other post I have posted, but this is a struggle that I almost constantly have during the winter and I wanted to share with you ways that I have found of over coming it!
I won't be posting anymore for a few days because I am on vacation! Yay! So don't expect a post for a little bit (Not too long though)
Keep it healthy and safe!

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