5 Diets Explained

   There are so many different diets and food-lifestyles out there right now! It can be hard to keep them straight, or to even know what they mean! People change their diets for many different reasons, like for health issues, beliefs, to challenge themselves, to make a statement, become healthier....and so on. When talking to someone about their diet or lifestyle, its important to understand just what their diet means.  No one wants to offend anyone or be stuck with their foot in their mouth!

For me, I love to learn about different diets and ways of life. I don't follow a specific diet or food-lifestyle, but I do incorporate a few parts from a couple of them into my own.

Going Vegan and being Vegan has become super popular! There is a growing number of recipes tailored for those following a Vegan lifestyle. But what exactly does Vegan mean? I was confused about it for a little while before I looked it up. Vegan means not abstaining the use of animal products. This means that what Vegans eat, drink and even wear, doesn't contain any animal products or byproducts. Why do people go Vegan? Most people are Vegan because they dislike the idea of animals being killed, but some go Vegan for health reasons, whether they are allergic to meat or another animal-based products. Others go Vegan simply because it is a healthy way of life, if you can live without meat!

Vegetarian isn't as popular as Vegan, but there are still plenty of info out there on going 'Veggie' and what it means. I used to get Vegan and Vegetarian mixed up, but now I have it straight! Vegetarian, or 'Veggie' means not eating any meat( Chicken, fish, red meats, or the flesh of any animal). So Vegetarians still eat some byproducts of animals, just not the meat or flesh it's self. Some people are Vegetarian because of religious beliefs, others because of Animal Rights, and still others are 'Veggie' because it, like Veganism, is a healthy lifestyle.

This is another popular diet right now. I personally like using Paleo recipes because they tend to be the recipes that use unprocessed products and natural products and ingredients. A Paleo diet or the Caveman Diet means eating only things that our ancient ancestors would have eaten, like meats, nuts and berries. This means that a lot of today's foods aren't on a Paleo diet. Most people adopt a Paleo diet because it is a very healthy way of life, but some use it because they have allergies or health issues.

A growing number of people are 'Going Raw' and I see more and more recipes for eating raw. What does Raw mean? It means eating only raw, uncooked and unprocessed foods. For most people following a Raw diet, this means being very Vegan and/or Vegetarian as well. This diet is mainly used as a healthy diet and way of life. Some people do Raw till 4 or any other time in the day. This means that up to a certain time in the day you eat only Raw foods and then after that time you can eat non-Raw foods.

Fasting is a general term and there are many different types of Fasting Diets. They are simply diets where you go for a certain period of time without eating. Some are fast-by-the-hour diets, others are days and some even are weeks. But, these diets can be dangerous if not done properly and carefully. Make sure you do your research and you know your body before trying to fast. Some people fast for religious reasons, others for the healthy benefits, and some use it to detox their bodies.

So there you go! 5 different popular diets explained. Now I hope you know a bit more about the different diets and ways of life out there and you can better understand each one. If this was helpful to you, please share this with a friend or family member to spread the knowledge and love of healthy living!

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