6 Super Spices You Need in Your Diet

     Spices make food taste delicious. They can transform vegetables into curry or fajitas, depending on the combination! In short, spices are amazing and I wouldn't want to cook or eat without them! But spices aren't just tasty, they also are beneficial to your health!

     There are so many spices in the world and even more ways to use them! Every culture, country, and area has their own unique and wonderful spices, herbs and blends of spices and herbs! I couldn't possible write a blog post and include every single one, so I've chosen 6 of my favorites, based on how I like to use them and their health benefits!

     I love nutmeg. Whenever I use Cinnamon, I usually use nutmeg too! The flavor of nutmeg is so warm and comforting, it complements just about any dish it is added to, sweet or savory! One of the amazing things about nutmeg is, that it contains a compound that has been shown to fight listeria, E. coli and salmonella! Add it to your baked goods like cakes, breads and cookies or in savory dishes like pasta sauces, curries or soups!

     Cinnamon is a spice I use in almost anything! I love the flavors it brings to a dish or baked good! I even like to put it in smoothies to add flavor but also for the health benefits! Just a 1/2 tsp a day can help lower blood sugars, LDL (bad) Cholesterol and triglycerides in those who suffer from type 2 Diabetes as well as those who don't.  Add a sprinkle to your smoothies, oatmeal or cereal to start your day off right!

     Ginger root as become a staple in our house hold. My Dad likes to add it to his breakfast smoothies and I use it in curries and soups all the time! Fresh ginger is ideal, but dried ginger holds many of the same health benefits and flavors! Studies have shown that ginger can help relieve nausea, heartburn and even bloating! Drinking ginger tea after a filling or over-indulgent meal can aid digestion and keep things running smoothly!

     Our fridge almost always has a little bag of fresh turmeric root in it. Again, this is something we add to our breakfast smoothies for the added health benefits. Its also common in curries, and many Indian dishes. It doesn't have a strong flavor, but it pacts a big punch when it comes to health benefits! Turmeric contains an active component call Curcumin, which has been shown to help fight cancer and stop it from growing as well as prevent type 2 diabetes. You can use fresh or dried turmeric to add a hint of flavor, yellow color and great health benefits to your diet!

Dried Red Pepper
     This isn't a spice that I use a lot of, but after learning about its health benefits, I just might be using it more! Dried red pepper have a compound called capsaicin, which is what gives chilies their heat. It can be helpful in lower the risk of skin and colon cancers. It also helps to rev up your metabolism. Adding just a tsp or so to any dish can add flavor and health benefits!

     Like I said, these are just 6 of the thousands of spices out there in the world! I love learning about the health benefits of the food we eat, and this is just the tips of the iceberg for spices! It amazes me that something so simple and small can be so powerful and tasty!

     I hope this post as inspired you to spice up your diet and add even more healthiness to your life! Please share this post and my blog with your friends and family to help everyone live their healthiest life!

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Stay Healthy, Happy and Laughing!


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