Eat Your Vitamins - How to Get Your Vitamins from Food

     We've probably been told or have read many times that we need to get more vitamins. What most people mean when they say this is, we need to take some sort of multivitamin pill, or supplement. These are good ways of getting your vitamins, but its not the most natural way. We can get most, if not all of our vitamins from the food we eat! Not only is this healthier, but easier and cheaper!

     Since I was little, I've always heard that vitamins are good for you and we need to have more of them in our diet. I can remember eating those little 'kid vitamin' gummies when I was younger, but now I wonder how healthier those sugar-filled  'vitamins' really were. 
     Now that I'm older, I don't take those gummy vitamins anymore, but they have been replaced with pills and supplements. Is this the healthiest and best way to get in our vitamins? For some people, maybe so,  but the number 1 , best way to get our vitamins is from our food!

     There are so many vitamins that our bodies need, and we can get so many of them from our food. I am going to talk about just a few of the vitamins we need, and how we can get them from the food we eat!

Vitamin B1 is used by your body to turn carbs into energy and aids in nervous system health. We can get vitamin B1 from foods like black beans, sunflower seeds and lentils!

Vitamin B2 helps to improve complexion and helps your body break down fats, proteins and carbs. You can get vitamin B2 from green vegetables like green bell peppers, cucumber, and leafy green and fortified cereals.

Vitamin C is in so many fruits and vegetables! This vitamin boosts our immune systems, and can even prevent wrinkles! We can find vitamin C in citrus fruits, spinach, peppers, broccoli, papaya, strawberries, mangoes and kiwi!

Potassium helps muscles to work smoothly, reduced the risk of many diseases and keeps your heart beating! We find this vitamin in sweet potatoes ( especially in the skin!) , spinach, and bananas!

Vitamin D helps your body use calcium and promotes healthy bones!  We get this, simply, from the sun! Just take some time to soak up the sun rays!

Vitamin E also helps to boost the immune system as well as improve blood flow and aids in tissue repair! Vitamin E can be found in spinach, papaya, sunflower seeds, almonds, and olives!

Folic Acid is super important for a healthy pregnancy. It also helps produce new cells and lower the risk of cancers. We find folic acid in turnip greens, beans, broccoli, lentils and asparagus.

Vitamin K is super important because it allows your blood to clot properly an for the right reasons! We get vitamin k from greens like kale, spinach, lettuce, broccoli and Brussel sprouts!

     As you can see, we can easily get so many vitamins from the food we eat. Not only is this healthier, but also so much easier and cheaper than buying vitamins and remembering to take them everyday!
     Now, for a lot of people, getting some vitamins ( like vitamin D) can be hard. Not all of us have the time to sit outside to get our vitamin d, so in that case a supplement might be a good idea. During the winter time, or if your inside a lot, taking a vitamin D pill can be the best choice for you! Choose what is best for you and your lifestyle, but remember, the most natural was should always be your first choice!

     I really hope this post as been helpful and informative for you! Learning how to eat healthier is something we should never stop doing! There is always something new to learn! Vitamins are important for a healthy body and getting the natural way is always best!

Please share this post and my blog with your friends and family! Spread the love of living a healthy life and help everyone have the knowledge and motivation they need to start living healthier!

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Stay healthy, happy and laughing!


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