Clean Eating

Having a clean diet is a sure way to have a healthy body! A clean diet is, in my opinion, the best way to eat a healthy, balanced diet!

  What does it mean to eat clean? To eat clean is simply to eat foods that aren't highly processed or sprayed with chemicals, free of refined flour and sugars and saturated and trans fat. Sugar loaded drinks like sodas and juices, along with high-calorie foods with little or no nutritional value are to be avoided.  Instead you eat 6 meals a day (Three small snacks and three medium sized meals), always eat breakfast, eat foods that contain healthy fats, proteins and carbs, rely on fruits and veggies for fiber, vitamins and enzymes, drink plenty of water and practice portion control!

Eating clean isn't really a 'diet' with an end date. Its a complete lifestyle change! It needs to be done gradually so you can get used to the changes that will happen when you change to a cleaner way of eating. There aren't really 'rules' to follow, just use common sense and remember a few key things!

Key Things to Clean Eating:
- Buy Organic, Locally Grown and Non-Sprayed fruits and veggies whenever you can
- Avoid processed and packaged foods
- Cook at home whenever you can
- Buy Organic and Non-GMO whenever you can
- Drinks lots of Water!
- Stay away from Refined sugars and flours
- Practice Portion Control
- Have three balanced meals a day with three light snacks throughout the day

So, now that you know the basics, how do you get started? How do you start to convert to a cleaner diet?  Well, like I said earlier, it is best to do it gradually. I suggest starting by cleaning out your fridge and pantry of the foods that aren't 'clean'. Then, start practicing portion control and a balanced plate. Next, find out where you can buy organic, Non-GMO, locally grown, etc. foods. A farmer's market can be a great place to go as well! Make small changes in your meals at first. Start by cutting out sodas and juices one week, then the next week cut out processed sugars and carbs. The next week maybe start cooking and pre-making your meals and always remember to drink a lot of water! Go at your own speed and make the changes in the order that works for you!

To make eat clean easier, I want to share with you a few tips and tricks to eating clean and having a healthy lifestyle!
Always eat breakfast! When you wake up, your body has been without food for at least eight hours, so you need to eat!
Try to not eat within an hour of going to bed. While you sleep your body does some cleaning and detoxing that can't really be done if there is a ton of food in your stomach.
Eat snacks. Eating small snacks in between meals keeps you metabolism going.
Fill up on fruits and veggies. Not only to they contain great nutritional value, but they are low in calories!
Cook at home. I can't stress this enough! Making your own meals is the best way to know exactly what goes into your food! For those who don't have a ton of time, pre-make your meals a head of time!
Always keep a snack with you. Having an apple, handful of nuts, or any other healthy snack on hand is a great way to keep you from eating the unhealthy un-'clean' foods.
Always serve veggies with a meal. Having a salad, sautéed veggies, or raw veggies with a meal makes the meal more filling without being too calorie dense.
Go with what works for you. Don't feel like you have to follow every clean eating rule out there! You will find ways that work for you and some that don't! Remember, its a lifestyle change, so you have time to grow used to it and make it perfect for your life!
You can find plenty of healthy and clean recipes here on my blog! There are recipes for breakfast like, Chocolate and Peanut Butter Muffins , Smoothies  , and Pumpkin Muffins  . Recipes of Lunch and Dinner like Oven Roasted Peppers and Onions and Honey Roasted Carrots . Also there are tons of dessert and snack recipes like, Guacamole  , Cherry and Chocolate Icecream  , and Frozen Hot Chocolate  ! Look around and let me know which one you like best!

I hope this post helps you and encourages you to convert to a cleaner way of eating and living! Follow the blog for more healthy post! Also, follow the blog on Twitter @ Spinachisgood and on Pinterest @ Hannah Plunkett

Thank you for visiting my blog and please check back for more post on all things healthy, and share with a friend!

Keep healthy and Safe!
H. Banana


  1. Oh, yummy... that first picture makes me want you to come cook at my house again! :-) - Dori -

    1. Dori-
      That meal came from my Honey Roasted Carrot post and the Oven Roasted Onions and Peppers post! It was a delicious meal!
      Thanks for commenting!
