Healthy Habits

Habits take 21 days to make or break them. Creating healthy habits is a great way to make healthy living effortless!

I have a few habits(good and bad!) and I'm sure we all do! Having healthy habits make it easier to have a healthy lifestyle! After 21 days or so, it becomes like second nature! Here are a few habits that we should all create to make living healthy easier!

1.  Keep a Journal. Maybe you aren't the diary/journal type, and that's okay! Just get a note book and spend a few minutes every night writing down what you did, what you ate and how you felt during the day. This is a great way to keep track of what works for you and what doesn't!

2. Bedtime Routine! Having a bedtime routine helps your body calm down to go to sleep. Start a hour before going to bed by turning off the electronics, maybe read a 'real' book instead. Drinking something warm is great too! If you are going to keep a journal, add that to your bedtime routine.

3. Breakfast! Always eat breakfast within 30 to a hour from waking up! This keeps your metabolism up and running! Breakfast should be the most important, nutritious and filling meals since its the first meal you eat after fasting for at least hours over night! Also, eating breakfast helps you get going in the morning and keeps you from wanting to snack all morning long!

4. Water! Chugging water throughout the day is such a great habit to make! I try so hard to drink a lot of water, but it's still a working progress for me! I like to keep a full water bottle of cup near me so that whenever I see it, I am reminded to take a drink!

5. Keep Fruit and Veggies on Hand! Having fruit and veggies in your fridge is great when cooking at home! I love to just grab several veggies to add to a dish! Not only does this bulk the dish up,  but adds nutritional benefits as well!

6. Stay Active! Being active is so important to a healthy body! Getting 30 minutes of activity is plenty to maintain a healthy body, and it doesn't have to happen in the gym! A brisk walk, playing with the kids, walking the dog or even working in the garden is a perfect form of exercise!

7. Practice Portion Control! This is so hard for me! But, having balanced portions ensures that you don't over eat and become too stuffed! Start with having a little bit so that if you want more later, you can!

8.  More Veggies and Fruit/Less Meat and Carbs. You see Low-Carb, Low-Fat and No-Carb and No-Fat diets out there, but that isn't what I mean. What I mean is, the majority of you plate should be filled with veggies and then rest with your meats and carbs! This also helps out the pocket book!

9.  Cook at Home. I say this a lot, I know, but that is because it really is so important! Cooking at home ensure that you know exactly what goes into your meal, how big the portions are and how balanced the plates are!

10. Keep Snacks with you. Having healthy options for snacks with you and easy to grab during the day keeps you from grabbing the less-healthy options. I like to carry nuts, apples or pears, or a home-made trail mix with me when I am out and about!

These are just a few habits that can make a healthy lifestyle easier. Of course you will create your own and I would love for you to share those with me! You can do that in the comments section here, and on Twitter @ Spinachisgood ! Also follow the blog and follow on Twitter and Pinterest @ Hannah Plunkett!

I hope you can use these tips to become a healthier version of you! Please share this blog with a friend and check back often for more post about all things healthy!

Keep healthy and safe!
H. Banana

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