Cancer Prevention

    Cancer is scary, I think we can all agree on that. Sadly though, more and more people have their lives totally changed every day because of cancer affecting them or their loved ones. No one whats to go through cancer treatmeants or see their friends and family do so. If that is true, and for the most part it is, why aren't more people doing everything they can to prevent it? If you knew you could help prevent yourself and your friends and family from being effected by cancer, wouldn't you want to do everything you could? Of course you would! So why not start today?

Your Diet Matters

Like many diseases and health issues, your diet plays a big role. A healthy diet can be your shield against so many illnesses, including many types of cancer. But an unhealthy diet can be just as harmful as a healthy diet is helpful! Here are a few foods that aid in cancer prevention!

Garlic helps to slow the growth of tumor cells because of the allyl sulphur compounds they contain.
Broccoli is helpful in cancer prevention because of the high concentration of antioxidants, fiber and flavanoids!
Brazilian Nuts, if eaten daily, can be benefitial and healthy for the body as a whole! Overall body health is a great way to prevent cancer!
Mushrooms are great for boosting your immune system and helping your body fight against cancer! !
Artichokes contain an antioxidant called silymarin, which helps to prevent epidermis cancer.

Just like some foods are helpful in cancer prevention, there are other foods that aren't. To have the healthiest, cancer prevention diet, stay away from GMOs, Processed Meats, Hydrogenated Oils, Refined Sugars and Flours, Canned Goods, and Highly Processed Foods. Its sad to think that 5% of cancer diagnoses are realted to poor diet! Do what you can today to make sure your diet is a healthy one!

Stay Active

Just like your diet is important, so is your daily activity level. Getting at least 30 minutes of light exercise every day can be so helpful in cancer prevention! It keeps your body healthy in so many ways that it isn't something you should over look! 5% of cancer diagnoses are due to the lack of physical activity! Don't let your lack of exercise keep your from living a long healthy life!

Your Enviroment

Having a clean enviroment is key in cancer prevention. Make sure you aren't using products with tons of chemicals to clean your home. A lot of air-fresheners, furniture cleaners, and basic house-hold cleaners are full of harmful chemicals that do nothing to help promote a healthy enviroment! Go for a natural choice instead! Choose a natural cleaner brand or even make your own cleaners and air-fresheners with basic, healthier ingredients!

Obviously there is alot more to Cancer prevention than I can pack into one post, so I encourge you to do your own research to find more ways to help prevent cancer in your life and the lives of the ones you love!

In searching for articals to read for this post, I found a very helpful one from the Mesothelioma and Asbestos Cancer Center. Their focus is on Mesothelioma, which is a rare type of cancer caused by asbestos. I wanted to share a graphic from their website that I found helpful and I hope you do as well!


If you want more information about Mesothelioma, please visit the website linked above!

I know this is a very large topic and could never do it justice, but I hope I given you a few tips and tricks that will help you add cancer prevention to your life!

Cancer has affected and changed too many people's lives! Do what you can today to prevent cancer in your life and the lives of those close to you! Spread the word and help others learn about cancer and how to prevent it!

I hope you have found this post helpful! If you have, please share it with your friends and family!

You can follow the blog via email, Google, Twitter @ SpinachisGood, Tumblr @ justrunningforfood, and Pinterest @ Hannah Plunkett!

I post every Friday!

Stay Healthy, Happy and Laughing!
H. Banana

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