Veganism 101

    In my New Years post I said that I had made the decision to go vegan. The longer I am vegan the more I learn about it and the better I can share it with others. Veganism is becoming more and more popular, but for those of you who have know idea what veganism means, I wanted to share an overview of it. Whether you are vegan or not, it helps to understand what it means so that you can better understand the reasons other people are vegan. Knowledge of what veganism means is beneficial, vegan or not, in helping you understand the health and wellness world!

What Does Veganism Mean?
According to Wikipedia( I know I know, its the internet, but hang with me!): Veganism is the practice of abstaining from the use of animal products, particularly in diet, and an associated philosophy that rejects the commodity status of animals.[9] A follower of veganism is known as a vegan.

I find this to be a great definition of what veganism means and what a vegan is! To go into more  depth, a Vegan is someone who does not consume anything that comes from an animal or is the by-product of an animal. A few of the basic and most known food items that vegans do not take part in are- Dairy Products( Butter, Milk, Yogurt, Whey, Cheese...), Meats( Beef, Chicken, Pork, Duck...), Eggs, and animal by-products( Animal Lard/Fat, Gelatin, Honey...). Vegans also avoid products that are processed using animal products. Some sugars are processed using charcoal that sometimes come from animal bones. Alcohol also is not always vegan. Some brands use eggs, egg whites, gelatin, and other animal products to process their alcohol.  There are a few more chemicals, additives, and ingredients that are not vegan, and they have more scientific names. Most vegans soon memorize the non-vegan ingredients and can pick them out in a flash!
Vegans also do not buy or wear products that contain or use animals in anyway. This means leather, down feathers, wool, angora, and fur. There are also a few cleaning, cosmetic, and personal-hygiene products that contain or use animals. Vegans love to use products that are not animal tested and do not contain animal products. Thankfully, these options are becoming more and more available! As to the fur, leather, feathers, and wool, some vegans chose to do without all together. Others wear fake fur and faux leather. Now, you might be thinking, "Isn't that a big waste, to through out all those things when you go vegan?". I had the same question! Most people who go vegan solve this problems by either donating their non-vegan items, selling them, or simply wearing them( with respect) until you no longer can. And when you go to replace the item, choosing a vegan friendly option.
You might be thinking that vegans 'miss out' on a lot of things, but really we don't. When you understand the reasons behind veganism, then it really is a joy to do without these things!

Why Go Vegan?
People go vegan for a variety of reasons. And every reasons is wonderful and personal to the individual. The overall message of veganism is to not contribute to the harm of animals, but not all vegans are vegan for the animals.
Environment- A lot of people go vegan for the environment! It is crazy how much the animal industry effects the environment! 1 hamburger requires 660 gallons of water to produce! 1 pound of butter takes around 2,044 gallons! 1 pound of pork requires 1,630 gallons of water and the production of cheese takes 896 gallons of water per pound! These are just a few examples of the effect that animal production has on our environment! If you would like some more info, check out these links!   , VeganOutReach.Org, Vegetarian Times.

Animals- Most people are vegan for the animals. It is heart-retching to learn about the harm and cruelty used in the animals industry. I won't go into the details( its pretty graphic!), but here are just a few facts: For every 1 pound of Shrimp sold in the store, and average of 26 pounds of unwanted fish are killed and tossed back in the ocean. Dairy cows have their babies taken away from them after only a few hours so that the milk can be sold in stores. Pigs in the Pork industry are kept in tiny crates, and the sows with babies usually don't even have rom to stand up. Like I said, this part of veganism is pretty graphic and hard to take in. If you would like to know more about this, here are a few links-, Choose Veggie, and I suggest searching YouTube for information!

Health- Some people are vegan simply for their health. So many studies have been done showing the positive effect veganism has on your health! I mean, a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, and legumes, how is that not healthy? One study showed that eating meat increases your risk of dying from heart disease by 50%! People with severe acne and skin problems can find relief in a vegan diet, mostly lower in fat. By not eating animal products, your body has fewer chemical to process and get rid of. Also, most people who go vegan lose weight and body fat, and even gain muscle. Everyone who goes vegan will experience more energy, clearer skin, more alert mind, and better overall health! Check out the links below for more information on this!,,

How Do People Go Vegan?
Its really very simple, in theory. It seem simple and easy to just stop eating and consuming animal products, and for some, it is that simple, but for others it isn't. Some people find it very hard to rid their diet of the non-vegan items, while others 'go-vegan' overnight. Whether people go vegan overnight, or take a few days, weeks, or months to transition, it is rewarding in the long run!

Some people( mostly non-vegans) like to say that vegans don't get enough protein, calcium, iron, B12, and so on. This is not true. If a vegan is eating a diet rich in plant foods( maybe with vegan-junk-food every once in a while) they will be getting every nutrient that the human body requires.

Most vegans chose to take a B12 vitamin because getting it in your diet is hard! Even most meat-eaters are low in B12! One way a vegan can get B12 is trough Nutritional Yeast, which is amazing!

Protein isn't a problem either! A vegan gets plenty of protein from dark leafy greens, nuts and seeds, legumes, and grains. Actually, one should be more worried about a protein over dose instead of being low in it!

Calcium can be found very simply in just about all store-bought non-dairy milks like almond milk! Also plants like artichokes, bean sprouts, bok choy and spinach are high in calcium! No need to take a baby cow's milk away from him to get in our calcium!

Iron comes from dark leafy greens! Also, it can be found in soybeans, sesame seeds, lentils, chickpeas, lima beans, Quinoa, and pumpkin seeds!

I hope this post gives you a better idea on what it means to be vegan and they different ways and reasons people choose to go vegan. I understand veganism isn't for everyone, but learning about veganism can help you better understand those who are vegan.
If you have questions, please leave a comment for me!

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Keep Healthy and Safe!
H. Banana

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