"Newbie" Tips

"Every pro was once an amateur. Every expert was once a beginner. So dream big and start now."

You can't become 'good' at something unless you try! You can't just say "I won't be good at it". How do you know? Why not give it a try and see? Of course, I am talking about heath and fitness, but this applies to every aspect of life. Maybe you are a little afraid to try becoming healthier because you don't know what to do and you don't want to fail. I've felt like that, and sometimes I still do! But I have learned that you have to start small and work your way up from there. So, lets get started.

Start Off Slow
When you start down the 'healthy living' road you need to make changes gradually. Start with cutting things out of your diet like soda and sugary sweets, and add in the healthier options like carbonated water, fruits and veggies and so on. This way you slowly get used to the changes and you don't miss the things you used to like. I remember when I used to love soda, but once I cut it out I never looked back. I don't remember the last time I craved a soda.
The same goes for exercise. When workout for the first time you are going to be a little sore afterwards because you body isn't used to it. Start with something easy and work your way up. It isn't 'weak' to start out slow, you are taking care of your body, that's something to be proud of!

Working Out
So, what do you do, when starting out? Well, there are several different types and areas of exercises you can try. And, you don't have to go to the gym to do them either, unless of course you want to. I don't go to a gym, I use a home gym (Treadmill, elliptical and weights) as well as just body weight work. What's body weight work?  Its where you use your body as a weight instead of actual weights. An example would be push-ups, planks, squats and so on. I personally like Body Weighted workouts a lot better than weighted ones. Below I will share with you a few of my favorites and I hope you will try them!

Squats. This exercise it pretty basic, but there are plenty of variations out there. They focus on working your thigh and core area. You can find a how to on You Beauty . To start with, I would try 20 squats the first day and add 10 every day!

Plank. This exercise is a totally body move, with the focus on your arm and core area. They also have several variations but the basic one is great! You can find a how to on The Berry . To start with, try a 30 sec. plank and add 10 sec. every day!

Jumping Jacks. Now these you have more than likely done before. They are pretty straight forward, but, if you need a how to you can go to Prevention . Try starting with 30 and add 10 each day!

Push-Ups. These are a bit tougher than the others. They work and practice to get good at them, but that shouldn't stop you. I still can't do a full one, but there are several variations you can do to work your way up. To see some of those go to Greatist . I would suggest starting with the one on your knees and going from there. Do 20 to start with and add as many as you can each day!

Cleaning Up Your Diet
Now, let's talk about the food part of this. Where do you start? Like I said earlier, cut a few things out and add a few things in. Cook more at home, so that you know exactly what you are eating. Here are a few tips and tricks to kick off your healthy diet!

Cut out soda. This is so important! Soda is full of sugar and its horrible for you. Sure, it can be refreshing but there are plenty of healthier options out there! Try carbonated water, iced unsweet tea, or lemon water instead!

Add in Veggies and Fruit. Maybe you already eat a lot of fruit and veggies, that's wonderful. But are you eating enough and in the right form? Your plate should be half full of fruits and veggies, and as close to there natural state as possible. Grill some veggies, have a salad or make a fruit salad. Another tip, eat the color of the rainbow!

Water, Water, Water! I cannot stress this enough! You need water to be healthy and feel your best. Instead of reaching for a soda, have a glass of water. You should drink half your body weight in water a day, so drink up!

Limit Sugar. In our house, we try to only have sweets on the weekend, or if we want a sweet in the middle of the week we make a healthy one. We loved to use Honey instead of sugar (Make sure your recipe calls for honey, don't add honey instead of sugar to a normal recipe.) Look around for recipes using honey (I have a few on this blog!)

I hope these tips can help you in becoming healthier. I hope they inspire you to get moving and healthy. Let me know if they helped you and how!

Keep healthy and SAFE
Remember, don't do anything (Workouts or Food-wise) unless you are able for them. I don't want anyone getting hurt!

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