How to be an Early Riser

    Waking up early can seem hard or impossible for some people, but, getting a few extra hours in your day is never a bad thing! Those extra hours could mean the difference between getting a good grade, turning in a test on time, getting to work on time, or simply, just getting stuff done! At first, it might not seem worth it, but trust me, waking up early can, and should be, a part of your day!

I wake up early 6 days out of the week. Why? Getting up early allows me to get in my run before we have to start school. Just because I am homeschooled, doesn't mean we get to do whatever we want whenever we want! We have to do our school work just like everyone else, we just have the choice of whether we want to wear our pjs all day or not!
     So, I get up early and get my run done before I shower and get on with my day! I find it puts me in a good mood and helps me to fell energized all day long!

Make a Plan

    Waking up early just for the sake of waking up early is a bad idea. You need something to motivate you, to excite you, so that you don't just hit the snooze button and go back to sleep. Sometimes I make a list of everything I need to do the next day. Its also a good idea to write down some goals you have for the next day, or even the next week. Planning something fun for breakfast, or setting your coffee maker to go off is a great motivator to get up in the morning!  Having these things written and planned  makes them more real, and you are more likely to stick to them than if they were just in your head.

Lay it Out

     The night before, lay out the clothes, bags, shoes and anything else that you need for the next day. If you plan to workout first thing in the morning, lay out your workout clothes and shoes, so that you have no excuses! Waking up and seeing the things you have layed out, makes you WANT to get out of bed! If you have a fun day planned, the things you lay out in preparation for it, gets you excited and ready to go in the morning!

Set an Alarm

     I know, I know, typical for this kind of post, but its so true! Setting an alarm gets you planning for the next day and hearing the alarm gets you AWAKE in the morning, which is key to getting up earlier. Maybe the sound of a blaring alarm in the morning isn't the best wake-up call, but you can kind an alarm that sounds nice ( your phone probaly has several to choose from) and will be great to wake up to!
     As to setting your alarm, I like to do 2 alarms. One for 15 minutes before I want to be up and one for when I want to get up! That way, if you roll over and go back to sleep after the first one, you have the next one to wake you back up!
     Another great tip for your alarm is, Move It! Move your alarm clock, phone or whatever you are using as an alarm to the other side of your room. Having it right next to your bed makes it too easy for you to hit the snooze button! Put it in a place where you have to get out of bed to turn it off, but not too far away that you don't here it! :)

Go to Bed

     You have to actually be in bed alseep before you can wake up early. Going to bed at a reasonable time if the first step to waking up earlier. I know, it doesn't sound super fun, but if you want a more productive and longer day, you have to go to bed early. Start by going to bed half an hour before you usually do and see how it feels! I bet you will like it!


     So, you've made a plan, you layed out your clothes, you've set your alarm and you're in you have to go to sleep! For so many people, getting enough sleep is hard. Whether its stress, kids, or going to bed too late, people get robbed of their sleep. Heres by tip- RELAX! It might just be 10 minutes before you go to bed, but take that time to sit down and do something that relaxes you. Read a book, drink some tea, do a craft or write in a journal, whatever relaxes you. Not only will it help you feel better and sleep better, but it will help you get the sleep you need AND wake up early!

I hope these tips have helped you and you can use them to become and earlier riser! If you have found this post helpful, please share it with your friends and family!
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Stay Healthy, Happy and Laughing!
H. Banana

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