Running 101

     I used to hate running! It was always a last-resort workout for me, and because of that, I didn't run very often. When we moved over the summer, we didn't have room in our new house to have both the treadmill and the elliptical(which was my go-to), and the treadmill won out. With the elliptical out of the question, I began using the treadmill a lot more. Now, I use it almost everyday, and I am totally in love with running!

Why Should You Start Running?
     Running has so many benefits for your health, body, and mood! The number of benefits is almost countless, so here are just a few of them!
      It is super great for your mental health because your body releases a chemical that makes you feeling happy! Running isn't the only thing that can lift your mood though! Just about any exercise or workout will help to release those feel-happy chemicals!
      Running helps to strengthen your lungs and bronchi, which can help lessens the effects of asthma. Just make sure to take deep breaths while running, not short, choppy ones!
      Your arteries expand and contract while you are running, which helps your arteries stay fit and maintain good blood pressure. Again, most cardio exercises will do this for you!
     Runners often don't suffer from illnesses as much (if any) as those who don't run! Running not only keep you healthy on the outside, but on the inside too!
      Another great thing about running is, its great for weight-loss! You can burn up to 825 calories an hour while running! It also is a great way to target fat and extra weight around your middle.
      Running also builds and strengthens your lower body, tendons, and ligaments. This helps your body become stronger over all, and increases your flexibility.
      When you run, you are putting stress on your bones (Don't worry, that's not bad!) which causes your body to send essential minerals to your bones to strengthen them. Just make sure you aren't stressing your bones out too much too soon! Start off with short, easy runs and then work your way up!
     Running also helps to decrease the effects of diabetes. Its helps to diabetic resistance to insulin, and maintain healthy blood sugar levels!
     Overall, I believe running is a great way to stay fit, active, and healthy inside and out! Also, it makes you feel so good, whether you doo 1 mile or 10!

How Do You Start Running?
Simple, just do it! The only way to grow to like something, learn how to do something, and even become good at something is so start right away!
      You don't have to own a treadmill or have a gym membership to become a runner. All you need is some good running shoes and a side walk, street, or road. Some great music doesn't hurt either! Just put on your shoes and getting going! Start out with a swift walk, then a jog, and slowly work your way up to a speed you are comfortable with. Then, push yourself! You don't have to run full speed all the way, just burst of high speed is great! Then, nearing the end of your run, start slowing down and bring your heart rate down slowly.
     Also, if running on a road, side walk, or street, make sure you are on the look out for cars, people, and bikes! We don't want anyone getting hurt!
     You don't have to run everyday, or for every workout. Running can be used as your go-to cardio workout, or a warm up for a weight lifting session. You can also swap running out for another type of cardio, to keep your body guessing!

How to be a Healthy Runner
     Wait a minute! I just listed a ton of health benefits of running, so how could you be an unhealthy runner? Well, it is possible. Not taking care of your body, over stressing- over working, and under eating are just a tip of the ice burg of unhealthy running.
     To be a healthy runner, you need to listen to your body. This is true for any type of exercise.  Go by how you feel, not what your goals are. If your goal is to run a marathon, taking those rest days in between training will be the best thing for you. If you are super sore, you don't have a ton of energy, or you just plain don't feel good, then don't run. Your body has many  ways to tell you it isn't in tip-top shape, and the only way to see those signs is to pay attention to your body.
     Over stressing your body is another way to be an unhealthy runner. Running too long or too fast before you are capable of it can cause injury and set you back in your running progress. You can't start off running a marathon everyday, just because other runners do. In the beginning, go for shorter distances and easy paces, even if you think its too easy for you. Every time you run, try to beat your time or speed by just a little bit, and/or go just a bit longer. Working your way up to longer runs and faster speeds is the best way to stay a healthy runner!
     Under eating can be a down fall for anyone trying to become fitter. And, it is easier than you might think to do. Running, as any exercise, increases you metabolism and burns a lot of calories. This causes your body to need more food to stay fuel and energized. Even if you are trying to lose weight, you have to eat more as a runner. Just make sure it is healthy food, and you should still reach your goals!

How Do I Run?
    Like I said earlier, I run quite a bit now. When I first starting running, I would run around 3 to 4 miles each time. I wouldn't run it straight, stopping about mid-run and taking a breather, and worked my way up from there. I slowly increases my distance and speed until I was running 8 to 9 miles a day. Then, just to test myself, I tried running 9 miles straight. I did it, and it wasn't too hard either! I knew that this meant I had built up my stamina and strengthened my body to a point where it could take long distances and fewer(if none at all) breathers. From that point on, I increases my distances, and continued to run for the entire run. Today, for example, I ran 11 miles @ 6.5 miles and hour and a 4-5% incline. I am proud of how far I've come as a runner, and I hope to continue building up my stamina and strength so I can one day(soon!) run a half marathon and even a full marathon!

    I hope this post will encourage you to get out the door and go for a run. You will be a different person after you start adding a run or 3 to your week! Whether you chose to go short, or build your way to longer runs, I am sure you will soon come to love running just as much as I do!

Make sure you keep in mind your own health and capabilities. Everyone is different, so you should adjust your exercise to what you are capable of at a healthy level.

Please share this post with your friends and family. Spread the love of a healthy lifestyle and help others become healthier!

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New post every Friday! ps. I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Keep Healthy and Safe!
H. Banana

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