Pico de Gallo

    I think it's safe to say that I'm in love with Mexican food! Being born and raised for a while in Texas probably didn't help either! :) This delicious recipe for fresh and flavorful Pico de Gallo is one to add to your recipe book! It's simple and easy, like any good Pico should be, and packed full of flavor!! Also, Pico is a great healthy and low calorie side item or snack, that's full of fresh veggies and herbs to give your body some nutrients!


1/2 Yellow or White Onion, finely chopped

4 Roma Tomatoes, finely chopped

1 Bell Pepper, finely chopped

3 TBS Finely chopped Cilantro

Juice from 1 Lemon

Salt and Pepper to taste

Pinch of Cayenne Pepper

This recipe is pretty simple, just chopped, juice, dump, stir, season, taste, and devour! But, I'll walk you through it with some pictures, just in case! :)

First, add your finely chopped onions to a bowl.

To this, add your finely chopped tomatoes.

And the finely diced bell pepper. I try to go with a color other than red, since the tomatoes are red, but any color with do!

I looks kind of like a heart or a 'Peace' sign, doesn't it?

Next, we need to add the cilantro, lemon juice, and spices.

Now, just give it a stir and a taste, to make sure it is to your liking!

All those bright colors make this a delicious and beautiful dish!

When you're happy the dish taste amazing, give it a final stir and then plate it to serve! I love to use our Mexican bowls to serve this Pico because the colors go so well together!

So lovely! I could eat this on anything! We love to put this with tacos, fajitas, salads, tortilla chips, quesadillas, enchiladas, or...... I sometimes eat it with a spoon, its THAT good!

I could go on and on with the pictures, but maybe that is enough for this post! :) I hope you try this recipe and discover for yourself the perfection of this Pico de Gallo! If you like it, please share this post and my blog with your friends and family members to encourage them to live a healthier life!

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I have recently decided to go from Monday and Friday post to just Friday post. This is because, with school and everyday life, I don't have a lot of time to put into my post! Hopefully going to once-a-week post will allow me to put more into the blog content!

New post every Friday!

Keep Healthy and Safe!
H. Banana

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