Essential Oils

My mom started using essential oils about a year ago, but I wasn't sold right away. Honesty, I though it was another one of Mom's 'things'! :)But, after using them a few times, I had more faith in them, and now I love to use them!

What are Essential Oils?
Each essential oil company has it's own standards in regards to the way them make their oils. We use a brand called, Young Living , and we love their Seed-to-Seal standards! Essential oils are simply the oils from botanicals. They can be use in so many ways, to promote healthier living in all aspects of life!

Oils I love!
Lavender: I love this one, and it's probably the oil I use the most! Here are a few ways you can use lavender to promote healthier living!
Burns: Appling a few drops to a burned area of skin can help relieve some of the discomfort.
Bug Bites and Stings: A few drops on a bug bite or sting can help to relieve some of the pain or itching.
Sleep: Smelling the oil or applying some to your sheets and/or pillows can help to calm you and help you sleep!
Thieves: This one is probably my Mom's favorite oil, for good reason too! Here are a few ways we love to use this oil!
Disinfectant: Thieves can be used to clean anything from the countertop to you hands, and it can help to disinfect the area.
Bug Repellant: Applying a few drops, or spraying it on your skin and clothing can help repel the bugs!
Cold/Canker Sores: My sister has used a few drops of this oil on her canker sores to help relieve the discomfort.
Purification: This is another one of my favorite oils to use, and I use it quite a bit too!
Acne: This is how I use this oil the most- Applying a drop of oil to a skin blemish or acne spot can help to relieve discomfort and some redness.
Insect Bites: Much like lavender, purification may used to soothe bug bites.
Stinking Shoes: A few drops into your shoes can help to, well, purify them and make them smell nice!
Lemon: This one smells so nice, I love to use it whenever I can!
Energize: A few sniffs of this oil can help to energize you and can be uplifting!
Cleaning: Adding a few drops to your cloth to clean, or diluting it in a spray bottle can be a wonderful way to get your house clean, without using harsh ingredients.
Essence Water: Add a few drops to your water for a nice, refreshing drink!
Please Note!
I am not making any health claims, but I am sharing with you the  ways some essential oils can be used. They don't work the same for everyone, so some things might work for a certain thing for me, but not for you!
Obviously there are a ton more essential oils out there, so I encourage you to try a few out and learn as much as you can about them and the way you can use them! Going to a website like, Young Living, can give you some more info!
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I'm going to change my post schedule from every Monday and Friday to just every Friday! Hopefully this will give me more time to put more into each post!
Keep Healthy and Safe!


1 comment

  1. I finally started buying essential oils this year and I love them! Most of your favorites are my favorites as well. :-) xoxo Andrea
