Everyday Activities = Workouts!

   Sounds crazy right? I mean, who has the time or would even want to workout all day, right? Well, actually, everyday activities can be looked at as low-impact workouts! It kind of cool to see just how many calories you can burn, just doing what you always do!

    Let's start things off in the Kitchen! Can you believe that cooking burns about 200 calories an hour? So all that chopping, slicing, stirring, mixing, prepping and moving around the kitchen can really be effective, in more than putting dinner on the table! Another great excuse to get in the kitchen!
   I have a toddler brother, so this next one was exciting for me! You burn about 300-350 calories and hour when playing with kids. Jumping rope, playing ball, a game of tag, pillow fight... all of these things aren't just a fun thing to do with kids, but always a great workout!

     I'm not a huge fan of cleaning house, but when I saw the calorie burn for it, it made cleaning a little more bearable! You burn about 300 calories an hour when house cleaning! Dusting, sweeping, mopping, and so on, are all great ways to burn calories during the day!

     Gardening burns about 300 calories an hour, which is great! We don't have a garden right now, but come spring time I'll have another reason to start one!

       You might already know that walking your dog is great exercise, I mean its walking right? Well, walking a dog at a leisurely pace for an hour burns  about 300 calories! And it gets you outside in the fresh air!

   Take the stairs to burn some killer calories! In just 30 minutes of stair climbing, you can burn about 200-223 calories! Its just another great reason to skip the elevator and take the stairs!

   Go Bowling! You burn around 225 calories and hour when you go bowling! Another great reason to get out with your family or friends( or both!) and do something fun, and burn some calories too!

     So, these are just a few ways you can burn calories without even thinking about it! I know that a lot of people are super busy and have a hard time fitting in a workout, so I hope this post helps you out! I love to think that activities like house cleaning, gardening, and cooking burn a good amount of calories, and all while you are getting things done!

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New post every Friday!

Keep healthy and Safe!
H. Banana

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