Workout Video

   Hello everyone! I hope your New Years were amazing! Mine totally were! I spent New Years eve and New Years Day on the slopes in Colorado! My sister and I tried snowboarding for the first time and we had a blast!
   But now that I am back home its time to get serious again about health and fitness! My family and I are going on a week long cleanse. The cleanse we are doing is roughly taken from the book CLEAN (which you should totally check out!) by Alejandro Junger , M.D.  The cleanse is a three week program but since its our first cleanse we are just going for a week. I hope to be posting some of the recipe we are using soon!
    Another thing, I will be posting once a week from now on instead of every other day. I hope that this will give me more time to write more interesting post and create some new workouts and recipes!

   I have been looking on Pinterest and YOUTUBE and I have noticed how many workout videos are on there! I have been looking for a good one to try and I think I have found one!

   This video is by Christine Salus and her YOUTUBE channel is great! She has several other workout videos, as well as a few other things! I hope you will check her out!
This workout is 40 minutes long and super tough! It was a lot of workouts I hadn't done before, so I was challenging in that way, but also it was high intensity. HIIT stand for High Intensity Interval Training  so that should tell you its tough!
   Christine's workout was very easy to follow and easy to understand. I hope you will check out her videos and let me and her know what you think about them!

Please share my blog with a friend!
Keep it healthy and SAFE!
H. Banana

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