Ocotber is Breast Cancer Awareness Month!

     October is a wonderful month for so many great reasons! The weather starts to cool down, the days get shorter, the colors change, fall food becomes popular, Halloween , and October is also Breast Cancer Awareness Month!

To be honest, I don't have a lot of knowledge about breast cancer, other than the fact that it is a terrible disease and it claims so many lives! Since it is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I wanted to look into Breast Cancer and really get a better understanding on what it is!
In my researching and reading up on breast cancer, I came across this post from Bankers Healthcare Group  it really helped me understand the disease better! They shared some awesome information about Breast Cancer ,like, how many lives it claims, the different things that can  put you at a higher risk of getting breast cancer, and so much more! I wanted to share some of the post with you here!
Isn't this so informative? Thanks so much to the Bankers Healthcare Group for putting up this post and helping me understand Breast Cancer better!
What Can You Do To Protect Yourself From Breast Cancer?
Breast Cancer is no joke, and we want to avoid it at all cost! No one wants to go through having breast cancer, so it is very important to educate yourself on prevention! I am no expert on breast cancer or the prevention of it, but I found some great and helpful tips and I'll share them with you!
Having a healthy diet is super important in cancer prevention! Broccoli, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Brussels Sprouts, Kale, Tomatoes, and Carrots are all veggies that can aid in breast cancer prevention. Staying away from Alcohol is also a must-do for many reasons, including cancer prevention.  Green tea is a great source of antioxidant and help to aid in breast cancer prevention. Foods high in omega-3s like walnuts and flaxseed also are known to help prevent breast cancer.
Breast Feed Your Babies!
Studies have shown that women who have breast fed their babies have a 4% lower risk of getting breast cancer.
Stay Active
Not only does exercise keep you healthy and fit, but it also helps to keep you at a healthy weight. Being overweight has been shown to increase the risk of breast cancer by more than 3%.
The more you know about breast cancer, the better equipped you are to prevent it! Knowing what risk factors are in your life, and your families' cancer history is a great place to start!
I do not claim to know a lot about breast cancer( as I said before) and you should totally talk to a professional if you have serious concerns!
If you want to check out the original post from Bankers Healthcare Group, you can go here.
Please share this post with your friends and family to spread the love of healthy living and the knowledge of Breast Cancer Prevention!
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Keep healthy and safe!
H. Banana

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