Health Hacks

Good health is something almost all of us would love to have, right? We all want a healthy body, mind, and environment to live in!
     Being healthy isn't just as easy as wishing for it. You have to work for it! And that is why a lot of people give up or don't even try to have a health lifestyle. It just seems too hard! I was inspired by Cotopaxi to write a blog post with some tips and tricks for a healthy lifestyle!
    With a few tips, tricks and hacks, a healthy lifestyle can become second nature and like a habit! It doesn't have to be hard or stressful to live a healthy life! Keep reading to learn how to make a healthy lifestyle attainable to every one!

Whether your coming from an unhealthy lifestyle or you are looking to upgrade your already healthy lifestyle, these hacks can be useful to everyone! Some might not apply to you and others will be exactly what you need! Pick and choose, or use them all, to help yourself create a healthier lifestyle!

#1 Start Today!
No matter what you are starting( a diet, workout plan or lifestyle change), you don't want to waste any time! Starting today, right now, as soon as possible helps you get excited and hyped up right away and helps you stick to whatever you are starting. Saying, "I'll start on Monday" "Tomorrow..."  or "Next Week" just puts it off and gives you a way out if you lose your will power. Make a decision, take a deep breath, and start today!

#2 Start Learning!
Whenever you make a change in your life, you need to read up and learn all you can about the choices you are making, why, and how they will effect your life! I love learning about nutrition, a healthy lifestyle and fitness and it helps me have a healthy lifestyle. When you learn about the health benefits of things and the dangers of other things, helps you make the right choices. It keeps you from eating that donut and choosing the fruit bowl instead!

#3 Clean Out Your Life!
A healthy lifestyle is much easier if you don't have triggers in the place you live. Cleaning out your pantry, fridge and house of all the unhealthy things ( like junk food, trigger foods, and packaged/processed foods) will help you stay on track! You won't be able to binge on cookies or chips because they won't be in your house! You'll have to make an effort ( get dressed, leave the house, go to the store......) to eat un-healthfully! A clean home is a clean mind and a clean mind is a clean life!

#4 Cook for Yourself
Making your own food is the best way to make sure that you are eating as healthy as possible. When you cook or bake your own food, you choose what goes into it and how healthy it is! Also, bringing your food with you ( to work, school, trips..) helps you stay on track when you aren't at home. Simple things like cut up veggies or fruit keeps you from eating out of the vending machine. Making extra food for meals at home leaves leftovers for meals when you are out! Also, cooking is  lots of fun!!

#5 Be Easy on Yourself
You aren't perfect and you won't always be perfectly on track with your healthy lifestyle. And that's okay! A healthy lifestyle doesn't mean eating healthy all the time. It means understanding balance in your diet. Eat as healthy as possible most of the time and allow yourself those treats every now and then! Don't stress about it, because that isn't health either!

These of course are just a few of the many hacks that will help you to have a healthy lifestyle. But these are great building blocks to start with, and I hope they are useful you! The more you learn, the more you experiment, the better you'll become at living a healthy life!

Please share this post and my blog with your friends and family to help others live a healthy lifestyle too!
You can follow the blog via email, Google, Twitter @SpinachisGood, tumblr @ justruningforfood and Instagram @ That_Vegan_Runner. Please follow me and connect for more Spinach Is Good For You content!

I post every Friday!

Stay Healthy, Happy and Laughing!
H. Banana

1 comment

  1. I love this, and it's all so true! I think number 5 is my favourite. I'm a big believer in just being as good as we can be, so that way it's a lot more sustainable and enjoyable!
