The Clean Fifteen and The Dirty Dozen

     Organic fruits and vegetable are becoming more and more popular, but they all tend to be more expensive than the 'regular' ones. There are a few fruits and vegetables that you don't have to buy as organic, but there are also a few that you should buy organic as much as possible! Knowing what to buy organic and what you don't have to buy as organic will be easier on the pocket book, while still keeping you healthy!


The Dirty Dozen

     If you have never heard of the Dirty Dozen, then it probaly sounds a little strange to you! But, let me explain, and you'll understand what I'm talking about!
     The term Dirty Dozen is applied to the list of foods that should be bought organic. These are foods that we usually eat the skin of, and that tend to absorb the chemicals that might be used when they are grown. Buy these 12 fruits and vegetables as organic to limit the amount of chemicals in your body!

Apples- Are usually #1 on any Dirty Dozen list. This is mainly because you tend to eat the apple's skin, which is a prim place for chemicals and pestisides to cling to!

Strawberries- Strawberries should be bought organic for the same reasons as the apples. We eat the skin, and the skin is where most of the chemicals are. These berries are also very good at absorbing anything, which includes the chemicals sprayed on them while being grown or handled.

Grapes, Celery, Peaches, Spinach, Sweet Bell Peppers, Imported Nectarines, Cucumbers, Potatoes, Cherry Tomatoes and Hot Peppers finish off the Dirty Dozen list. All of the fruits and vegetables are ones that we eat the skin of and are hevaily sprayed with chemicals. Buying these foods organic helps reduce the amount of chemical you ingest on a daily basis. While they might be a little more pricy, these are the foods that you should always buy as organic!

The Clean Fifteen

     To follow up the Dirty Dozen there are the Clean Fifteen! These are the fruits and vegetables that are okay not to buy as organic. They are not as heavily sprayed and/or are fruit and vegetables that we don't tend to eat the skin of. Also, mosts of them don't absorb anything very well, which means that chemicals are as absorbed as much!

Onions- We don't eat the skin of the onion, making it alright not to buy them as organic!

Pineapple- Again, we cut away the skin of the pineapple, so we don't have to worry about eating the chemicals that are on the skin!

Avocados- Once again, we don't eat the skin of the avocados, so they are also okay to buy as not organic.

Cabbage- While cabbage doesn't really have a 'skin', we usually peal away the first few layers of leaves anyways. Also, cabbage tends to absorb the chemicals that might be sprayed on them while growing.

Frozen Peas, Papayas, Mangos, Asparagus, Egg Plant, Kiwi, Grape Fruit, Cantalope, Sweet Potatoes, and Mushrooms are the rest of the Clean Fifteen. These are fruits and vegetables that don't absorb the chemicals that might be used on them, and most of o them we don't eat the skin of. While buying all your fruit and vegetables as organic is great, these fifteen are fine to buy as not organic.

Corn- Corn might be listed on some Clean Fifteen lists, but i have to disagree with it. I belive that corn should always be bought as organic, because otherwise it tends to be GMO( Genetically Modified Organism). GMOs are not healthy for your body, so I suggest always buying organic corn.

I really hope this post as been helpful to you! Buying organic can seem unnecessary and expensive at first, but knowing what should be bought organic and what doesn't have to be, is so helpful! Its easier on your pocket book as well!

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Stay Healthy, Happy and Laughing!

H. Banana

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